HYUNDAI Home 是您轻松连接和控制智能家居设备的平台,例如:智能灯泡、智能门铃和智能插头。
HYUNDAI Home 让您能够随时随地控制您的设备。这些设备可以单独工作,也可以通过多种功能相互配合。
Hyundai Home - 版本4.6.3
新特性Optimized pairingAllowed users to tap the Add sign “+” on the homepage to scan and pair a device.Allowed users to quickly set the room in which a newly paired device is located.Optimized pairing of Plug and Play (PnP) devices. If a device is not activated, the device card on the homepage shows a prompt to guide users to activate the device.Supported settings of device alertsAllowed users to set device alerts as needed on the app.